
Ready to find out more?

Currently offering: Personal Growth, Leadership, Teambuilding

What is a Mastermind?

Mastermind groups are comprised of a selection of like-minded individuals and provide brainstorming, education, accountability and support in a group setting. These groups are designed to support you as an individual in achieving success. Participants will encourage and challenge one another to grow, set goals, and accomplish those goals.

Napoleon Hill, in his book Think and Grow Rich, described the mastermind:
“No two minds ever come together without thereby creating a third, invisible intangible force, which may be likened to a third mind [the master mind].”

Through the mastermind process is powerful. Through it you will create a goal and a plan to achieve it. Members of the group then help you with creative ideas and solutions to issues you are facing. Successes are celebrated and failure is not in our dictionary. Failure is a learning opportunity the group will help you with through the power of the mastermind.

The group requires a level of commitment, confidentiality, and willingness to be open to both giving and receiving ideas of its members. Interacting with the group will provide powerful catalyst for growth, help you see obstacles before they are encountered, and supportive colleagues.

Each mastermind meeting has an agenda set up to facilitate growth. A meeting facilitator will ensure conversations are balanced and on course and that all items are covered in the alotted time.